In the article from yesterday we presented the general aspects of branding. What is it and what are the essential steps to create a successful brand. If you have not read it, I invite you to go through it by visiting the link below:
Today we will talk about the brand guide.
Every organization that has created a brand must have a dedicated guide.
This guide contains clear and detailed instructions for using the visual identity of that brand. The information contained in the brand guide must cover all the components of the visual identity of a brand.
Those who will go through this guide must understand all the explanations behind the design choices. All of these explanations represent the essence of the brand in the end, an essence that must be suggested by graphic elements.
The logo of a brand is the most commonly used visual element. Being the most valuable element is important to pay close attention to it.
In the Brand Guide, you must specify the accepted versions of the logo and the appropriate size limits for the logo, as well as its use along with the slogan.
Chromatic is another important aspect in brand identification. That is why the branding guide must specify the colors used in the graphic rendering of the brand and their codes. This information should be accompanied by examples.
Another important aspect to be included in the brand guide are the typographic indications as families of fonts used, size, height of row, etc.
It is important to note which words must always be written in capital letters, bold or italic, and what abbreviations are tolerated.
The instructions are not enough, however, in the brand guide it is necessary to specify how these elements should be applied on different media channels.
In order for your guide to be easier to follow, it is necessary to be divided into chapters and, if necessary, subchapters and, of course, to contain a table of contents.
Do not forget to clearly state whether or not people need your agreement in order to use the visual elements of the brand and make it available to download the logo and all the other graphics.
The top issues are the most important of the guide, but it is good to know that the brand guide differs from one company to another and once created it is mandatory to observe the principles outlined in it.